Frequently Asked Questions
Criminal Law
Q: Is it my right to have an attorney represent me in a criminal matter?
A: Yes. You are entitled to legal representation and in fact, it is in your best interest to immediately hire an attorney. Your attorney will review your case and begin to assist you in all aspects of your case. Our attorneys are experienced in criminal legal representation and will do everything possible to ensure that your rights are protected. If you have been accused of a crime or have been arrested, consult with an attorney before discussing the matter with the police.
Q: How can an attorney help me with my criminal case?
A: Your attorney will assist in all aspects of your case. To start with, your lawyer will work to try to get your bail reduced or eliminated so you can leave jail while your case goes to trial. Your attorney will represent you and provide guidance for court appearances. In many cases, your attorney may be able to successfully reduce the charges against you. If your case goes to trial, your attorney will provide complete legal representation in court. Our attorneys are experienced in criminal cases and have successfully represented clients in trial settings. We handle your case from start to finish and keep you informed along the way.
Q: If I can’t post bail will I have to go to jail?
A: Not necessarily. Depending on the crime or charges against you, you may be able to be released without bail or with a reduced bail. Your attorney will ask the court to reduce your bail based on many factors. If you have not been in trouble previously, it is likely that your bail may be reduced. Your attorney may also be able to put you in touch with a bail bondsman who may be able to assist you or your family in posting the necessary bail.
Business Law
Q: How do I know the chances of winning my case?
A: While nobody can know for certain how well your case will proceed, we will take steps to review your potential case and make a professional assessment. All cases have some strengths and some weaknesses. When the strengths outweigh the weaknesses your case is usually strong. We will evaluate your possible outcome and will work with you to get the best results possible. We’ll also let you know if your case is weak.
Q: How long do business cases take to resolve?
A: Each case has a unique set of circumstances so there is no one answer. There are many factors that go into each case that will affect its resolution. If you have a very strong case it is likely that it will be settled before ever getting to court. Our firm is skilled at negotiating settlements but we are also experienced trial attorneys. We work to get you the best possible outcome in the least amount of time. However, some cases may take a year or several years to resolve.
Q: Do I need a formal contract in place to be able to bring a lawsuit?
A: While a formal, legal contract is always the best option, verbal contracts may be binding if they are agreed upon by both parties. In order for a contract to take effect both parties must acknowledge it and agree upon the terms. Just because you don’t have a contract in writing doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to resolve the issues. Our experienced attorneys will review your information and assist in determining how to proceed.
Immigration Law
Q: How can I legally work in the United States?
A: There are many different VISAs that are each designed for use with specific types of employment or career options. VISA options can be complex and confusing. Our attorneys are experts at working with the latest immigration laws. We will assist you in accomplishing what you need to in order to live and work in the United States.
Q: What should I do if my application for citizenship has been denied?
A: There are some options open to you, even if the application has been denied. An attorney will often be able to work through the red tape to find a way to resolve the issues. Our skilled attorneys will work to appeal the denial and help you achieve citizenship.
Q: How can I get my fiancé into the United States?
A: There is a specific type of VISA designed specifically for fiancés. This is a non-immigrant VISA. It does require that you meet certain legal requirements in order for the application to be approved. For example, the marriage must occur within 90 days of entry into the U.S. Our attorneys will assist you in working through the complex paperwork involved in immigration. We assist in determining the best type of VISA to apply for as well as helping you fill out the paperwork and monitoring the process from start to finish.
Personal Injury
Q: How do I know if I have a valid personal injury case?
A: If you or a loved one has been injured as the result of another person’s negligence, you may have a valid personal injury lawsuit. Our experienced attorneys will review your information to determine whether you have a valid case. Many times you may not have enough proof to support your claim. In these instances, your attorney may recommend against pursuing a lawsuit. Lawsuits can be complex and we don’t want you to waste your time or money on a case that doesn’t have a good potential outcome.
Q: How long does a personal injury case take?
A: Personal injury cases can vary greatly. The preliminary work is to review the case and file a lawsuit. The lawsuit can take months or longer to be resolved, depending on the complexity of the issues involved. In many cases, personal injury lawsuits are settled out of court. Our attorneys are skilled negotiators and will strive to achieve the best possible settlement in your case. If a settlement cannot be reached, we are prepared to take the case to trial to get you the money you deserve.
Q: Is it expensive to file a personal injury lawsuit?
A: Personal injury lawsuits can become expensive because of their duration and complexity. In some cases the law firm will cover the expenses until the lawsuit is settled. This means that you will need only a small retainer or, in some cases, no retainer. Then, when the case is resolved, your attorneys will be paid from the proceeds of the case. Our attorneys will provide a consultation to determine whether we will take on the case and if so, the payment arrangements.
Employment Law
Q: As an employer, what laws must I follow when hiring employees?
A: As an employer you must take care not to discriminate against anyone based on their race, national origin, gender, age, religion, or disabilities. All information that you gather during the employment process must be kept confidential. You must disclose any background checks or credit checks to the applicant and get their permission to perform them. You must properly document all information. An experienced employment attorney can assist you in ensuring that you are properly following all the applicable laws.
Q: I have been passed up for a promotion at work – do I have a case?
A: You may or may not have a legitimate case. Our attorneys will review your information to determine whether the situation was one of true discrimination. It is important that you protect your rights. Our attorneys are experienced in all types of employment cases and can assist you in getting the justice you deserve. If the information proves that you have been discriminated against we will do everything possible to make sure that you are properly compensated.
Q: Is it legal for employers to monitor Internet usage and read e-mails?
A: In many cases, employers do have the right to monitor Internet usage of their employees. In addition, they may block employees from visiting some websites. The company may provide a written company policy that provides that computers and telephones, including email messages, are the property of the company. The employer therefore has the right to review usage. It is best for employees to restrain from performing personal business using their work computers and equipment.
Estate Planning
Q: What is Estate Planning?
A: Estate planning is simply the planning of your assets and finances to achieve your goals. Our attorneys are experienced estate planning professionals. We know the right questions to ask in order to provide you with the options that are best in your case. Your personal information is reviewed in order to determine the way to transfer your property or assets after your death. Many things must be taken into consideration when planning your estate and it must be reviewed often.
Q: Can I plan my estate on my own?
A: The most important aspects of estate planning have to do with legal and tax issues. This type of information is best left to the professionals. It’s best not to use pre-packaged materials for setting up your own estate. Instead, consult with our expert attorneys. We know the ins and outs of estate and tax law and will help you get the best plan for your specific needs.
Q: Is Estate Planning the same thing as a will or living trust?
A: Estate Planning is simply the act of gathering your financial information and determining your desires. It is only the first step in securing your assets after your death. You must put a legal will, trust, or living trust into place to make certain that your money and other assets are properly distributed upon your death. Look at estate planning as the roadmap for your assets. Our attorneys will work with you to plan your estate and then assist by drafting your will or trust per your instructions.
Q: Why do I need a will?
A: Everyone should have a will in place. A will is a legal document that provides for specific things to happen to your assets upon your death. If you were to die without a will in place your assets may not necessarily go to your spouse or children. To avoid losing everything that you have worked hard for, you must establish a will and keep it current. Wills do not need to be complex, but they should be written by an experienced estate planning attorney to ensure that they are legally binding documents.
Q: What is a Trust?
A: A trust is a special legal instrument that protects your assets. Setting up a trust is often a good idea because it ensures that your assets are properly secured in the event of your death. There are tax advantages to setting up a trust. Our attorneys are experienced in drafting and implementing wills and trusts to make sure that your money and possessions are properly cared for.
Q: What is a Living Trust?
A: A living trust is a type of trust that can be held by you as the trustee while you are alive. This gives you the legal ability to make changes, use or distribute your assets at your discretion. The living trust is an option that may provide some tax advantages and may help you avoid probate. Our attorneys will explain living trusts to you and assist in providing the information so you can make an educated choice for a will, trust, or living trust.